Ross Schonberg
Ms. Gubanich
September 12, 2015
My Worst Fear
Everyone has a fear. Whether it be clowns, rats, or even something as serious as drowning. My own worst fear is being alone in a dark (basically pitch black) room. This fear would mainly occur at night. I have had this fear since I was about 10 years old, over the years I have definitely had a much better control over this fear, but back when I was 10-12 if I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I wouldn't even think of getting out of my bed. Also, although I am someone who enjoys watching movies I am really not one for horror movies. those can sometimes frighten me easily, so if I ever see scary movies that involve darkness that doesn't really tend to help me.When ever I am in the darkness I will try and concentrate on something other than the fact that I am in the the dark. I will normally think of something funny, like a movie, or something that happened with my friends and I, and that usually works. The biggest reason why I have a fear of the dark is the also the fear of the unknown. It has always been the fear of the unknown that gets a little frightening, because of course when in darkness you can hardly see anything, so you are not fully aware of your surroundings. An example for me is when I am driving at night. Now I am not saying that I am afraid of driving at night, I have done that many times and it does not frighten me, but there is a difference to me when I am driving during the day v.s. at night. During the day it is easier because you can see everything and are more aware of your surroundings. At night it is a little tougher to see, having only your car headlights to help guide you and they only
shine in the front, not the sides or behind you, plus you have cars going the opposite way, with their headlights shinning in your eyes. So being alone in the darkness would have to be my biggest fear, and even though I do handle it better, being in the dark still gives me the creeps.

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